Fourier crystal diffractometry based on refractive optics
X-ray refractive lenses are proposed as a Fourier transformer for\nhigh-resolution X-ray crystal diffraction. By employing refractive\nlenses the wave transmitted through the object converts into a spatial\nintensity distribution at its back focal plane according to the\nFourier-transform relations. A theoretical consideration of the\nFourier-transform technique is presented. Two types of samples were\nstudied in Bragg reflection geometry: a grating made of strips of a thin\nSiO2 film on an Si substrate and a grating made by profiling an Si\ncrystal. Fourier patterns recorded at different angles along the rocking\ncurves of the Si 111 Bragg reflection were analysed. (C) 2013\nInternational Union of Crystallography Printed in Singapore - all rights\nreserved
P. Ershov et. al. "Fourier crystal diffractometry based on refractive optics", J. Appl. Cryst. (2013). 46, 1475-1480